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研究院刘雪杰博士在《Nano Letters》上发表“纳米粒子多面体组装体”领域的论文


近日,研究院刘雪杰博士在纳米科学领域顶级期刊Nano Letters(自然指数期刊,中科院一区TOP,影响因子10.8),发表了题为“Polyhedral Colloidal Clusters Assembled from Amphiphilic Nanoparticles in Deformable Droplets)”的研究论文。该论文第一作者为刘雪杰博士,通讯作者为中国科学院长春应用化学研究所姜伟研究员。


Fig.1 Clusters assembled from the AuNPs@PS/P2VP building blocks with a P2VP to PS grafting ratio of 5:5 in emulsion droplets for different concentrations of surfactant CTAB and molecule weights of PS. (A) SEM image of Mackay icosahedral clusters for 4 mg/mL CTAB content and PS2k; (B-C) TEM and TEMT reconstruction image of Mackay icosahedral clusters, respectively;(D) Variation of the interfacial tension between chloroform and water withdifferent CTAB concentrations, and the corresponding SEM imagesof the colloidal clustersfor PS2k;The scale bars for all SEM images are 100 nm;(E-F) SEM images of colloidal clusters assembled from AuNPs@PS/P2VP building blocks with PS5kand PS12kat 4 mg/mL CTAB (γ= 6.4 mN/m),respectively.

Fig.2 Clusters assembled fromthe AuNPs@PS/P2VP building blocks with different grafting ratios of P2VP to PS for 1 mg/mL CTAB (γ= 10.2 mN/m) and PS2k. (A-D) SEM, TEM and TEMT reconstruction image of the regular tetrahedral cluster at a ratioof P2VP to PSof 8:2, respectively; (E) SAXS pattern and magnified TEM image of a regular tetrahedral cluster; (F-H) SEM images of colloidal clusters self-assembled from the AuNPs@PS/P2VP building blocks at various ratios of P2VP to PS (F: 5:5, G: 6:4, and H: 8:2).


论文DOI (https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c01995)
