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    Our university held the opening ceremony for the first batch of modern industrial colleges

    Source :       Author :      Time : 2022-02-24

    On January 10, our university held the opening ceremony for the first batch of modern industrial colleges.

    Modern industrial colleges are entities that integrate talent training, scientific research, technological innovation and enterprise services in cooperation with multiple subjects such as universities, local government and enterprises, aiming at providing high-quality support of human resources for national and regional economic development and expanding new space for high-quality economic development.

    The establishment of the first batch of modern industrial colleges is an important step for the university to serve the industrial development of Jiaxing and its surrounding industries and improve the quality and level of higher education, as well as an important step for the university to plan and promote the deep integration of government, industries, universities and research.

    Add: No.899 Guangqiong Road, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, China


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