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    Our university got 4 new undergraduate majors

    Source :       Author :      Time : 2022-03-10

    Recently, the Ministry of Education of China has announced the results of filing and approval results of undergraduate majors in general institutes of higher education in 2021, and our university added four new undergraduate majors: "Physical Education", "Communication Engineering", "Cross-border E-commerce" and "Anesthesiology". New students’ enrollment for the four new undergraduate majors is scheduled for the fall semester of 2022.


    The four newly added undergraduate majors are the significant measures taken by JXU to focus on the layout of provincial and municipal leading industries and strategic emerging industries, improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism of majors, promote the optimization of majors layout in order, continuously improve the level of construction of disciplines and majors, accelerate the construction of first-class talent training system as well as deeply serve the national strategy and regional development.

    Add: No.899 Guangqiong Road, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, China


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