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    Ten teachers from our university were selected into the second batch of “Program for Leading Talents Training in Universities in Zhejiang Province”

    Source :       Author :      Time : 2022-03-25

    Recently, the Provincial Department of Education announced the name list of the second batch of "Program for Leading Talents Training in Universities in Zhejiang Province", with 10 teachers from our university being on the list. It is reported that the "Program for Leading Talents Training in Universities in Zhejiang Province” is an important initiative of Zhejiang province to promote the strategy of strengthening talents and higher education, aiming to build a support system for the cultivation and sustainable development of high-level talents and high-level teams in universities, and to cultivate a group of innovative leading talents and high-level innovation teams with great influence in China and abroad.

    Add: No.899 Guangqiong Road, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, China


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