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    A student from JXU showed good performance in the 33rd Han Suyin International Translation Contest

    Source :       Author :      Time : 2021-11-12

    According to the results of the 33rd Han Suyin International Translation Contest, a student from Jiaxing University has won the second prize in the English-Chinese Translation Group.

    “I feel extremely honored to receive this award,” said Fei Chgenqi, who had worked hard for this contest.

    Founded in 1989 by Ms. Han Suyin, a Chinese-born British writer, Han Suyin International Translation Contest is the largest, the most long-lasting and influential translation contest in China. It is regarded as the "Oscar" in the field of translation. Every year the contest attracts a significant number of active participants among undergraduates, graduate students and translators  in China and abroad.


    Add: No.899 Guangqiong Road, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, China


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