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    Historical breakthrough! National Gold Award!

    Source :       Author :      Time : 2021-10-20

    From October 12th to 15th, the finals of the 7th International College Students "Internet+" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition of China were held at Nanchang University. JXU was awarded one gold and one silver medal, which is the best achievement in this competition in the history of our university.

    “This competition enhances my entrepreneurial awareness, innovation spirit and creative ability, gives me the opportunity to communicate with excellent teams and broaden my horizons. I am deeply impressed by the efforts and methods of cultivating talents in applied sciences of JXU.” said Lou Shuqi, the student from JXU.

    With more than 2.28 million projects, a total of 9.56 million students from 4347 colleges and universities in 121 countries and regions have signed up for this years competition.

    The Competition has not only become an important platform and a driver for the innovation and entrepreneurship educational reform, but also a global event for college students worldwide to pursue their dreams in innovation and entrepreneurship.


    Add: No.899 Guangqiong Road, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, China


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